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  • Information for Parents

    SNAP is a 'Parent Participation Forum' creating opportunities for parent carers to work with service providers to improve the delivery of Social Care, Education and Health Services.

    Who SNAP are:

    SNAP's purpose is to improve services for children and young people, aged between 0 and 25 years, with disabilities and additional needs.

    We are a pro-active forum of parents and carers: we work with individuals and organisations, to influence and improve the provision of local services. We focus on raising the standard of Social Care, Education and Health services in Central Bedfordshire. As we have limited resources, unfortunately we cannot offer signposting or support services.

    What SNAP do:

    We seek the views of all parents and carers within Central Bedfordshire in order to understand their needs and the challenges they face. We set the priorities of the forum based on information gathered.

    • Do you have ideas or views about the services you use?
    • Would you like to be involved in designing or planning services?

    You can be as involved as much or as little as you like, and every opinion is valued.

    Get Involved:

    We hold regular open meetings where you can find out more about the work of the forum and our current involvement with the services that affect the lives of our children. Our meetings are relaxed and informal, providing an environment where you can share your views and meet other parents and carers.

    The more parents who join and share their experiences, the more will be able to influence services

    Get in touch...


    • Central Bedfordshire Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Services
      offers a range of services: free, confidential and impartial information relating to your child’s special educational needs, drop-in sessions for parents and carers about the services available in Bedfordshire, sends regular newsletters to provide help and advice, trained independent volunteers that may be able to support at a meeting with either the school or us, provides information regarding parents’ rights and responsibilities, and who you can talk to about your child

      SENDIASS can offer: confidential support and someone to talk to in confidence information and advice about: Special Educational Needs support in the education setting, Education health and care (EHC) needs assessment process, EHC plans and annual reviews, Appealing to the SEND tribunal, Exclusion processes, listen to your views and concerns work with you to explore your options, help you prepare for meetings support you to find the confidence to express your views, work in partnership with education settings, the local authority and other services to develop positive relationships

    • Neurodiversity Resource Pack
      The Neurodiversity Support Pack is for families following a diagnosis of a neurodiversity, and contains information, resources and signposting in a variety of media (video's, infographics, animations), split into 14 different sections - from sleep to medication and lots more.

    • Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
    • Developmental Skills Package
      The following development of everyday skills package provides information on graded play activities and ideas to help children practice and progress fine motor skills (how they use and coordinate their hands).

    • Disability Living Allowance for children an overview
      Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children: A playlist with information videos on an overview of the benefit, how to make a claim, after you have claimed and when a child turns 16

    Here are some useful websites related to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

    Here are some useful agencies and phone numbers.

    • Central Bedfordshire Council SEND Parent and Young Person Partnership Service - 0300 300 8088
    • 0-19 team - 0300 555 0606
    • Parentline (Health Visitors) - text only service- 07507 331456
    • Chathealth (School Nurse) text only service- 07507 331450
    • Carers in Bedfordshire- 0300 111 1919
    • Autism Bedfordshire - 01234 214871
    • Outside In - (ASD and ADHD support group) - 01462 813282 
    • Child Development Centre - 01234 310275
    • Early Help Hub - 0300 300 8585
    • Leighton Buzzard Children's Centre - 01525 384368
    • Children with Disabilities Team - 01234 228709

    Further information on advice, support services and clubs on offer can be found at:

    Should you require advice, or have any questions about Special Educational Needs, please do not hesitate to contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Sarah Bowley.