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Assessing Pupil Progress




Assessment is a continual process; we monitor the children’s progress very carefully throughout their time with us. Assessment is used by teachers to plan the next learning steps for your child. Teachers use observation, evidence from the children’s work and some tests to make their assessments. In years 1 to 4 progress is recorded against National Curriculum 2014 Age Related Expectations (ARE). Children are described as Working Towards, Working at Age Related Expectations or Working at Greater Depth Standards within the year group that they are working in.


Each half term the class teacher meets with the Headteacher to discuss the progress made by each child, this ensures we can do our best to meet your child’s needs. Termly progress data is added to a school monitoring system called 'Target Tracker'.


All parents have the opportunity to meet the class teacher in the Autumn and Spring terms each year. At these meetings progress and next steps are discussed. In the Summer term parents receive an annual report for their child, giving information on their progress and achievement and what their next steps are.


Early Years Foundation Stage - Reception (4+)


At St Leonard's we complete a Baseline assessment (focused observations and discussions) in the first few weeks of each child starting school.


Information for Parents Reception Baseline


The EYFS profile assessment is carried out in the final term of the year in which a child reaches age 5, and no later than 30 June in that term.


The EYFS profile is intended to provide a reliable, valid and accurate assessment of each child’s development at the end of the EYFS. It is made up of an assessment of the child’s outcomes in relation to the 17 early learning goal Early Learning Goal descriptors. Teachers use their professional judgement to make these assessments, based on their knowledge and understanding of what the child knows, understands, and can do.


The EYFS profile is a statutory assessment of children’s development at the end of the early years foundation stage.


Day-to-day informal checking of what children have learnt will inform teaching and learning on an ongoing basis throughout the final year of the EYFS. This will include identifying areas where children may be at risk of falling behind, so that practitioners can provide rapid, effective support. 


At the end of the year teachers report the final assessment in the annual school report. Pupils are recorded as Emerging (working towards Early Learning Goals) or Expected (Achieved Early Learning Goals) in each of the 17 areas of learning. Outcomes are also reported to the Local Authority and Department for Education.


Year 1

In June a National Phonics Screening Check is carried out by the teacher with each child on a 1 to 1 basis. The results of this diagnostic check are reported to parents, the Local Authority and Department for Education. The child's outcome is recorded in their annual report. Results are recorded as WT- Working towards the expected standard or WA- Working at the expected standard. Any child that does not achieve the expected standard will repeat the assessment at the end of year 2. 


Information for Parents- Phonics Screening Check


Year 2

At the end of Key Stage One SATS tests are used to inform Teacher Assessments.

The tests are designed for pupils who have completed the KS1 programmes of study and are working at the overall standard of the tests. This means that if pupils are working above the pre-key stage standards, they should be entered for the tests.


National Curriculum SATS assessments take place in May. Children take a national assessment in Reading and Maths. The results of these are used in conjunction with observations and work samples to inform Teacher Assessments in Reading, Writing and Maths. Assessments are recorded as working towards, working at or working at greater depth. A teacher assessment in Science is also recorded. Parents are informed of the Teacher assessments in the annual report. Outcomes are also reported to the Local Authority and Department for Education.


Information for Parents End of KS1 Assessments


Years 3 and 4

We record the children's progress towards meeting the age related expectations in Reading, Writing and Maths. These assessments are forwarded to the Middle School at the end of year 4. Parents are informed in the annual report.


In year 4 in June a Times Table Check takes place. This is an online assessment. The school uses Times Tables Rock Stars to help our pupils to prepare for this assessment and to secure knowledge of their multiplication tables to 12x12. Your child's score will be in their annual report. 


Information for Parents Multiplication Tables Check


Parents’ Consultation Meetings

There is an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher each term. At these meetings you will be able to look at work, discuss progress and find out what the next learning steps for your child are.

If you have any concerns between consultation meetings please speak to the class teacher.


Annual Report

School reports are issued for all pupils in the Spring Term (Interim Report) and the Summer Term (End of Year Report) each year. They provide a summary of progress in all subjects.